4 Easy Internal Linking Hacks to Boost Your Lawn Care Website’s SEO

internal links

Internal Linking for Lawn Care & Landscaping SEO 2024: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

We’ve covered and unpacked backlinks, and now it’s time to talk about another type of link you can use to add SEO value to your website.

Now, don’t worry: we’re not about to bore you with another lecture on the math and analytics of it all. (In fact, since you have a better understanding of how links work already, this will be a breeze!)

Today, we’re going to talk about internal linking. Basically, instead of getting links from other websites, we’ll have the pages on your website link to each other.

Sounds pretty easy, right?

We’ll talk all about its inner workings, some tips on strategic placement and explore best practices to maximize its impact on your website’s growth. Buckle up, because we’re about to transform your website into a SEO powerhouse!

What are internal links?

Think of internal linking like building secret pathways on your website. These pathways guide visitors and search engines from one page to another, revealing all the incredible services and expertise you offer. Imagine a blog post bursting with “4 Killer Landscape Design Tips” that seamlessly connects to your “Landscape Website Design” page. It’s a win-win: users discover valuable information and may be inspired to look at more of your resources, and search engines see you as a well-organized authority.


Remember those hero keywords we talked about in our Landscape & Lawncare SEO 2024 guide?

Those bad boys are the keys to unlocking high rankings for specific searches. Imagine your home page boldly declares “Lawn Mowing Jackson, Tennessee” as its target. By sprinkling this keyword (and its variants) like magic dust throughout your internal links, you’re basically telling search engines, “Hey, this page is all about this keyword, pay attention!” The more you emphasize it, the better your chances of ranking high for that sweet, sweet local traffic.

But wait, what pages should I add internal links to?

While backlinks from other websites are like awesome shoutouts, internal links have a superpower: sharing the SEO juice. Let’s say your irrigation page is swimming in backlinks, making it rank like a champ. By linking relevant pages (think service pages or blog posts about irrigation systems) to this high-ranking page, you share some of its ranking power. It’s like building a team where everyone supports each other, boosting your entire website’s visibility.

Where do I add internal links on my pages?

Now, let’s talk anchor text. This is the fancy term for the clickable words you see on a link, and it plays a crucial role in internal linking. Choosing the right ones is like picking the perfect outfit for your message. Instead of a boring “click here,” imagine a snazzy “Explore our comprehensive lawn care services in Jackson, Tennessee.” Search engines and visitors alike will know exactly what to expect when they click that link.

About Lawn Marketing Edge

At Lawn Marketing Edge, we are obsessed with digital marketing that works and have over 10 years of building high-converting, great websites in over 90 niches before specializing in Lawn & Landscaping Digital Marketing. The ideas below are our passion and we don’t take it lightly. We hope it’s a genuine help to you and your business.

I’m overwhelmed, how do I start adding internal links?

Ready to unleash the internal linking beast? Let’s get tactical!

Low-Value to High-Value Pages

Got any pages hiding in the shadows, like privacy policies or terms of service? Don’t underestimate them! Identify pages with minimal SEO value, like privacy policies or terms of service pages. Use them as link donors, directing visitors to the high-value pages you want to shine in search results.

High-Value Powerhouse

Don’t let your star players work alone! Connect them with other high-value pages, creating a web of relevant information that strengthens your overall SEO presence. Imagine linking your “Landscape Design” page to your “Patio Installation” page, showcasing your comprehensive outdoor service offerings and expertise.

Tools for the Win

Feeling overwhelmed? Tools like Ahrefs are your friends! Use them to identify pages with tons of internal links, then see if you can strategically link them to your core service pages. It’s like scooping up some of that link juice and spreading it around!

Google Search Console is Your Secret Weapon

This treasure trove reveals which pages on your website have the most internal links. Use it to identify hidden gems (AKA the valuable pages) and redistribute some of that link power for an extra SEO boost. For example, if your blog post on “Lawn Care Tips for Beginners” has a high number of internal links, consider linking it to your “Lawn Care Services” page to further boost its visibility. Think of it as rearranging your website furniture for maximum flow and impact.

Remember, knowledge is power, but action is key!

Here are some actionable steps to get you started:

  1. Finish the Series: Make sure you’ve got a solid SEO foundation by watching (and reading) the entire Lawn Marketing Edge series.
  2. Direct SEO Value: Pick a high-value page you want to rank higher. Find relevant blog posts or service pages and strategically link to them using targeted anchor text.
  3. Embrace Hero Keywords: Don’t forget your keyword friends! Sprinkle them into your anchor text when linking between pages to remind search engines what you’re all about.
  4. Start Small, Scale Smart: Don’t try to overhaul your entire internal linking structure all at once. Begin with a few strategic links and gradually build your network over time. Consistency is key! 

Soon enough, you’ll be able to see the numbers increase over time, like our client below:

With these strategies, you’ll transform your website into a user-friendly, search engine-loving beast, ready to attract more customers and grow your lawn and landscape business to new heights! Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. But with consistent effort, smart strategies, and the power of internal linking, you’ll be crossing the finish line in style.

So keep learning, keep experimenting, and keep growing your online presence with the magic of internal linking!

Tyler Krause

Hello, I'm Tyler. Husband. Father. Christ Follower. Emoji Overuser 🙂 Two time Lawn & Landscape company owner and 10+ year digital strategist, specializing in the Lawn and Landscape industry. I've trademarked two digital marketing methods on a path to helping hundreds of business's do millions of dollars in online sales. I've been blessed to build and scale multiple companies through SEO, PPC, Website design and helping others do the same is a joy and passion I never seem to tire of.

Tyler Krause

Tyler Krause

Hello, I'm Tyler. Husband. Father. Christ Follower. Emoji Overuser :)

Two time Lawn & Landscape company owner and 10+ year digital strategist, specializing in the Lawn and Landscape industry. I've trademarked two digital marketing methods on a path to helping hundreds of business's do millions of dollars in online sales. I've been blessed to build and scale multiple companies through SEO, PPC, Website design and helping others do the same is a joy and passion I never seem to tire of.

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