10 Killer Lawn Care Advertising Ideas for (2023)

lawn care professional doing landscaping work on a home

Advertising your lawn care business doesn’t have to be as grueling as pulling weeds on a hot summer day. With the right strategies, your lawn care and landscaping business can absolutely thrive in 2023. From leveraging social media to utilizing websites local listing directories, these ten killer lawn care advertising examples & marketing strategies will help you cultivate a thriving lawn care business. Put these tips to work and watch your lawn care business be the talk of the town!

Short summary:

  • Explore the use of social media, local SEO, a Google Business Profile (GBP), profiles with lead generation sites, and more are a great way to reach a broader audience online.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of traditional advertising tools like flyers, business cards, truck wraps and others to promote your lawn care company.


1. Utilize Social Media to Promote Your Lawn Care Services

Unleash the power of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to amplify your lawn care advertising. Captivate potential clients with before and after snapshots of your stunning projects, or dynamic videos showcasing your team’s prowess. It’s not just about flaunting your work quality, but also offering a glimpse into your vibrant business ethos.

Picture this: Your strategically-designed Facebook ad surfaces in a user’s newsfeed or sidebar. The best part? You’ve smartly targeted users within your service radius. This implies your ad is reaching the exact audience who are in need of your service, increasing the possibility of converting them into customers.

Such ads aren’t just a feast for the eyes. They ingeniously employ eye-catching visuals, straightforward messaging, and clear benefits to drive their point home. And, they smartly use reviews and a referral program to build credibility and trustworthiness.

To sum it up: interact actively with your customers on whatever social media platform you decide to use. Share transformation stories of your projects, offer valuable lawn care tips, and promptly respond to queries. This meaningful engagement not only builds trust but also nurtures a loyal and satisfied customer base.

2. Build a Mobile-First, Well-Designed Website

Let’s face it, your clients are tech-savvy these days. They’re hunting for your lawn care services while sipping coffee, using their smartphones. So, isn’t it high time your business website gets a mobile-friendly makeover?

Imagine the power of a strong online presence. It’s like a well-tended garden, nurturing your business growth and blossoming into a tool that can significantly multiply your revenue. A lawn care website is not just one of many powerful digital marketing strategies for your landscaping services, but it is a credibility booster that paves the way to fresh leads.

Invest a little time and effort in making sure all your content and images display perfectly on mobile devices. Plus, optimizing your site for search engines will increase your visibility, driving more potential customers your way. A user-friendly website doesn’t just make you look professional, it makes you irresistible! The smoother the navigation, the higher the chances of visitors turning into customers. So, gear up and make your lawn care service simply a tap away!

3. Create a Google Business Profile (GBP) For Your Lawn Care & Landscaping Business

Third on our list, but by no means less important, is creating and optimizing your Google Business listing or Profile (GBP). It’s the digital age, folks, and your online presence matters immensely. Your GBP listing serves as your digital storefront, enabling potential clients to find you with a simple search. Make sure your business details are accurate and keep your Google Business listing updated with eye-catching photos of your amazing work.

Don’t forget to encourage satisfied customers to drop a Google review. These online reviews boost your credibility and help you stand out on the platform and on the search engine. Get ready to see your lawn care company climb to the top of those search results!

4. Create a blog page for educational content

As part of your marketing plan, position yourself as an expert among lawn care businesses by sharing lawn care tips and tricks in blogs or short videos. You’re not just selling a service; you’re offering valuable knowledge.

More importantly, in this lawn care advertising strategy, target keywords relevant to your ideal customer and target neighborhoods so you show up on the first page, if not the number one result, on Google’s search results.

Make these educational pieces shareable on social media to reach a wider audience. This positions your brand as a trusted authority in the lawn care industry, attracting potential customers who value expert advice. Don’t forget to include engaging visuals and a call-to-action, encouraging readers to utilize your services for their lawn care needs.

5. Set Up Profiles on Lead Generation Sites

Imagine being a homeowner, browsing through sites like Yelp, Angi, and Thumbtack, seeking the perfect professional or local small business for their next home project. That’s where your business profile comes in.

By establishing a strong presence on these lead generation platforms, you’re making it super easy for potential new clients to discover and book your lawn care services.

But having a profile isn’t enough. It’s about creating a compelling story that draws people in and makes them want to choose you over the competition. So, when crafting your business profile, consider adding these key details:

  • Your service area – let them know you’re within reach.
  • The size of your team of lawn care professionals – a sign of your capacity to handle work.
  • How long you’ve been in the industry – a testament to your experience.
  • The number of jobs you’ve successfully completed – proof of your track record.
  • Accepted payment methods – convenience is key.
  • A comprehensive list of your lawn care services – show them what you’ve got.
  • Photos of your past work – a picture is worth a thousand words, after all.

And let’s not forget about the power of customer reviews. They’re a key part of your profile on lead generation sites and can make a world of difference in swaying potential clients.

So, after each job, don’t hesitate to ask your client for a review. Seeing a plethora of positive reviews and feedback will make prospective clients more inclined to choose you over other lawn care professionals and businesses for their lawn care needs.

6. Invest in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) or Google Ads for Lawn Care Services

So you’ve got a killer lawn care service, but how do you get the word out? One of the best answers lies in the digital sphere, specifically with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads. This online marketing tool can put your business on the map, literally and figuratively.

Think about it. When folks have an urgent need for lawn care or landscaping services, they typically turn to Google search results for help. Using PPC or Google Ads, you can make sure your business is the first one they see. That’s the power of online advertising – instant visibility and credibility.

But where do you start? How do you implement this in your lawn care marketing plan? Here are some actionable steps to get you going:

  1. Learn the Basics: PPC might sound intimidating, but they’re not as complicated as you might think. Take some time to understand the basics like keywords, bidding, and ad creation. You don’t necessarily have to spend money to learn how to do paid lawn care advertising; there’s a wealth of free resources online to help you out!
  2. Target Locally: When setting up your ads, make sure to target them to your local area. After all, your target audience is the folks in your neighborhood, not halfway across the country. Local targeting can greatly increase the effectiveness of your ads.
  3. Use Compelling Ad Copy: Your ad should grab attention and inspire action. Use strong, persuasive language and highlight your unique selling points. What makes your lawn care and landscaping business stand out? Use that to your advantage in your ad copy.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Like any good advertising strategy, PPC and Google Ads require monitoring and adjustment. Keep an eye on which lawncare ads are performing well and which aren’t. Don’t be afraid to tweak and test your strategies to get the best results and ultimately, bring in more leads, more clients, more customers.

Investing in PPC or Google Ads can seem daunting, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. With a bit of learning and experimentation, you can transform your lawn care & landscaping services business into a local household name. So why wait? Start making your mark in the digital world today!

7. Hand Out Flyers & Business Cards for Your Lawn Care Company

Never underestimate the power of a good old business card, especially when you’re in the lawn care business. Despite the digital revolution, these pocket-sized billboards continue to pack a solid punch.

For a small investment, often less than $20 at your local print shop, you can get 50 business cards that act as your mini ambassadors. Distribute them creatively – put them up on coffee shop boards, share with your clients’ neighbors, or hand out a few to each of your customers to further distribute.

While we’re on the subject of traditional lawn care marketing, let’s not forget the option of creating flyers or postcards. Even in our digital world, direct mail marketing continues to hold its charm.

Send out eye-catching landscaping and lawn care flyers to homes in your service area to introduce your name to potential clients and, with a tastefully worded sales pitch, bring in more business. A well-crafted message and a tempting coupon on a lawn care flyer could be all it takes to win a new client for your landscaping business.

You might be wondering, “do I have to create the landscaping flyers from scratch or is there a lawn care flyer template available?” Absolutely! There are numerous flyer templates available online that can help you design attention-grabbing and professional flyers, such as this example below.

You can customize these templates with your own content and branding to create unique marketing materials. Whether you create these lawn care flyers from scratch or start with a flyer template, the important part is making sure you have your offers and contact information clearly stated.

8. Get a Truck Wrap For Your Lawn Care Business Vehicle

Get rolling with one of the most effective mobile lawn care advertising – a truck wrap. Not only does it shout out your brand wherever you go, but it also instills trust and builds brand visibility. Plus, it’s a cool way to show off your business style.

Think of your truck as a moving billboard. You or your team of landscape professionals are driving around town, visiting clients, and possibly parked in highly visible areas. Why not make use of this valuable lawn care advertising space? Let’s dive into some tips on getting your truck wrap:

  • Invest in a professional design: Don’t skimp on the design. A clean, professional look can make the difference between attracting new customers and being overlooked.
  • Get the message right: Ensure you include your business name, logo, and contact information prominently. Also, consider including a catchy tagline that encapsulates your services.
  • Quality matters: Go for high-quality vinyl wraps that resist fading, peeling, and wear and tear. Remember, your truck wrap represents your business quality.

While a truck wrap might be more of an upfront investment, it’s a long-lasting advertising strategy that keeps on giving. You drive, you advertise. It’s as simple as that! So, deck out your ride and watch as leads start rolling in.

9. Run Seasonal & Special Offer Promotions

Offering seasonal promotions can be an effective way to attract new customers, especially in our busy season. These could range from spring clean-up specials to winter snow removal deals. For instance, a fall leaf clean-up discount or a spring flower planting special. It’s a great way to keep your business top-of-mind year-round, for both new and existing customers.

You can also team up with non-competing local businesses to offer a mutual promotion or an “all-in-one” type package that combines your lawn care services. Think of a cafe offering a discount to customers who show a recent service receipt from your lawn service business, or you providing a discounted lawn care service to anyone who bought a patio set from a local outdoor furniture store.

Collaboration with local businesses is not just smart business, it’s also a fantastic way to build strong relationships in your local community.

10. Build an Email List

Imagine having a direct line to your existing customers, a way to keep them updated, engaged, and coming back for more. That’s the power of building an email list.

Through email marketing, you can send newsletters laden with lawn care wisdom and enticing offers, you’ll become their go-to expert, always at the forefront of their minds. Start by offering a free, handy lawn care guide for anyone who signs up.

Then, drip-feed them with regular, insightful content that helps them understand lawn care a bit better – and why they should turn to a landscaping company instead of doing it themselves. In no time, you’ll have built a loyal community, always ready for your next promotion or service announcement.

Closing Thoughts on Lawn Care Advertising Ideas

And there you have it! Ten dynamite lawn care marketing ideas for your landscaping business in 2023. Remember, the secret sauce of successful advertising blends consistency, creativity, and a razor-sharp understanding of your audience.

And in the digital age, your marketing efforts may require a mix of traditional and digital strategies. The key is to stay adaptable, track your results, and always keep your customers’ needs in focus. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to step into the sunshine, cultivate these ten lawn care marketing ideas, and watch your business flourish!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best way to market my lawn service business?

The best way to market your services will depend on your target audience and your budget. But in 2023, digital marketing strategies like SEO, social media advertising, and email marketing are proving to be very effective. Don’t forget about traditional methods too, like direct mail or yard signs.

2. How can I make my lawn care ads stand out?

Make your ads memorable by focusing on the benefits of your services, not just the features. Use high-quality images and catchy headlines. Include a strong call to action and always ensure your contact information is easy to find.

3. How much should I spend on lawn care advertising?

The answer to this question will depend on your overall budget. As a rule of thumb, many companies (including lawn care businesses) allocate around 10% of their gross revenue to their advertising & marketing budget. Of course, this can vary depending on your business size and goals.

4. How can I measure the success of my lawn care advertising?

Tracking your advertising results is key to understanding what’s working and what’s not in your lawn care marketing campaign. Use tools like Google Analytics for your website, and Facebook Insights for your social media ads. Look at metrics like click-through rates, conversions, and cost per acquisition to.

5. Can I handle lawn care advertising on my own?

Absolutely, many small business owners handle their own marketing. However, it can be time-consuming and there’s a learning curve. If you’re finding it challenging, you may want to consider hiring a professional marketing company to help.

6. How can I encourage customers to leave reviews?

To encourage customers to leave reviews, you can offer incentives such as discounts or rewards for doing more business or leaving feedback.

Additionally, make it easy for customers to leave reviews by providing links or instructions on your website, social media platforms, or through email campaigns.

7. How can I handle negative reviews?

Poor or one-star reviews can be challenging, but it’s important to address them promptly and professionally. Respond to the reviewer with empathy, offer a solution if possible, and encourage them to reach out privately to resolve the issue. This shows potential customers that you value feedback and are committed to customer satisfaction.

8. What are other traditional lawn care advertising examples?

Some effective lawn care advertising examples and methods include utilizing local newspapers, distributing lawn care flyers in targeted neighborhoods, implementing referral programs to encourage word-of-mouth marketing, and leveraging online platforms (through a search engine marketing campaign) to showcase your services. Additionally, consider using direct mail marketing and door hangers to reach potential customers directly.

Tyler Krause

Hello, I'm Tyler. Husband. Father. Christ Follower. Emoji Overuser 🙂 Two time Lawn & Landscape company owner and 10+ year digital strategist, specializing in the Lawn and Landscape industry. I've trademarked two digital marketing methods on a path to helping hundreds of business's do millions of dollars in online sales. I've been blessed to build and scale multiple companies through SEO, PPC, Website design and helping others do the same is a joy and passion I never seem to tire of.

Tyler Krause

Tyler Krause

Hello, I'm Tyler. Husband. Father. Christ Follower. Emoji Overuser :)

Two time Lawn & Landscape company owner and 10+ year digital strategist, specializing in the Lawn and Landscape industry. I've trademarked two digital marketing methods on a path to helping hundreds of business's do millions of dollars in online sales. I've been blessed to build and scale multiple companies through SEO, PPC, Website design and helping others do the same is a joy and passion I never seem to tire of.

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