Lawn & Landscaping SEO Services


Trademarked Processes


In #1 Rankings


Day Guarantee


Star Rated

Maximize Your Landscaping SEO

Unlock Proven Strategies for your Landscaping Business

At Lawn Marketing Edge, we offer a holistic approach to SEO, tailored specifically for lawn and landscaping business owners. Drawing from over a decade of experience and cutting-edge, trademarked processes, we promise not just top-tier services but results that make a difference. Whether it's crafting content, managing your online presence, or generating authoritative citations, every step we take is backed by proven strategies. With an emphasis on transparency, we ensure our clients have clear insights and are always in the loop. More than just an SEO agency, we're your partners in achieving digital success. Let's turn your lawn business into a market leader.

  • Expert Content: SEO content crafted by our trademarked in-house team.
  • Citation Handling: High-powered, essential citations provided for your business.
  • Press Support: Monthly press coverage for consistent SEO signals.
  • Profile Management: Regular Google Business Profile updates, offers, and postings.
  • Profile Setup: Creation and optimization of your Google Business Profile.
  • Exclusive Resources: Access to our unique LME client tools and resources.
  • Review Assistance: Autopilot campaigns for keyword-rich Google reviews.
  • ELITE SEO: Trademarked tuning for website SEO optimization.
LME Customized Copy of The Digital Dominance Method

BENEFITS of Landscaping SEO

Grow Consistently, Maximize Service Specific Lead Flow, Eliminate Worry | SEO

In the competitive landscape of lawn and landscaping businesses, effective SEO is the bridge between your services and potential clients. Leveraging Landscaping SEO with Lawn Marketing Edge offers unparalleled benefits. It's not just about being found online, but about being the top choice. With our strategies, your business gains a consistent and influential presence in local directories, press channels, and most importantly, Google. Regular updates ensure your digital storefront is always fresh and inviting. Furthermore, our resources and tools equip you with insights that many lack. When you choose to elevate your business with our SEO, you're not just aiming for visibility – you're aiming for industry leadership.

  • Targeted Content: Tailored SEO content by experts enhances online visibility and customer engagement.
  • Local Dominance: With essential citations, be the top choice in local searches and directories.
  • Media Exposure: Monthly press interactions elevate your brand authority and market presence.
  • Active Online Presence: Regular updates on Google Business Profile demonstrate business activity and professionalism.
  • Visibility Boost: New or optimized Google Business Profiles increase chances of being discovered by potential clients.
  • Exclusive Insights: Access to LME tools and resources, providing a competitive edge in the market.
  • Trust Building: Automated campaigns to gather genuine, keyword-rich reviews foster trust among prospects.
  • Optimal Web Performance: Our trademarked tuning ensures your website isn't just live but thrives in search results.

Ready for Next Steps?

Ready for your SEO to start generating steady leads on demand? Your next steps are simple and risk-free. Drop your details into the simple form, and we'll start with a no-cost audit of your online presence and current SEO. 
Not ranking currently?  No Problem. Our SEO assessment goes far beyond PPC spending, as performance is often tied to other brand factors.  What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Why Choose Us? Landscaping SEO Services.

In the vast sea of SEO service providers, Lawn Marketing Edge stands out, especially for landscaping businesses. Our depth of experience, combined with uniquely developed and trademarked techniques, ensures that your business isn't just another name in the directory but a top contender. We understand the local landscape and have fine-tuned strategies to ensure your prominence in local searches and on Google Maps. But our commitment doesn't end there. We continuously engage with your online profile to ensure it reflects the best of your business. Couple this with access to exclusive resources and automated systems for positive reviews, and you have a recipe for success. Choose us, and you're not just choosing an SEO service; you're opting for an unmatched competitive edge.

  • Proven Expertise: Decades of experience with a focus on landscaping businesses.
  • Trademarked Techniques: Unique, effective SEO methods we've developed and trademarked.
  • Local Focus: Specialized strategies to dominate local searches and Google Maps.
  • Continuous Engagement: Regular updates on Google Business Profile for an ever-fresh online presence.
  • Full-Service Management: From setting up to optimizing Google Business Profiles, we've got you covered.
  • Resource Access: Exclusive tools and resources, reserved only for our esteemed clients.
  • Automated Reviews: Systems in place to ensure consistent, positive reviews for your business.
  • Elite Web Tuning: Optimal website performance with our distinctive, trademarked SEO approach.

Our Simple 3 Step Process


  • We'll assess all aspects of your current SEO profile. 

Review and Launch

  • We'll provide a detailed plan of attack. 

The Leads Roll In!

  • Onboard quickly.
  • Begin Optimization
  • Improved rankings in less than 14 days

What's Included Landscaping/Lawncare SEO

Generate Leads. Boost Route Density. Track Calls.

At the heart of our service lies a commitment to empower Lawn and Landscape businesses to dominate in digital spaces. With our in-house team's expertly crafted SEO content and high-powered citations, your online visibility will surge. We also take pride in our monthly press coverages, ensuring you're always in the spotlight. If you're new to Google Business Profiles, we've got you covered from setup to optimization. And with exclusive resources at your disposal, growth is inevitable. Add to this our innovative approach to reputation management and our trademarked on-page SEO methods, and you have an all-inclusive package tailored just for your business's success.

Google Business Profile Management

Local SEO is synonymous with ranking high in Google Maps. We’re experts with a decade plus experience ranking you #1 in maps.

Landscaper Reputation Management

Modern Local Landscaping SEO includes google reviews as a core tenant to success. That’s why we’ve built an amazing review gathering system - included in our SEO.

Landscaping Press Releases:

High authority news outlet sites are a proven tactic for delivering consistent SEO signals.


We write expert content that ranks for important knowledge keywords as well as supports your key service keywords

Citations and Directories

A consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) is the bedrock of your SEO campaigns and local ranking success. 

High Quality Link Building

With 10+ years acquiring safe, powerful backlinks, we can acquire SERP dominating links that will have your business number one.

FAQ's | Landscaping SEO

SEO is a common abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. While there is more than one search engine - Landscaping SEO typically means getting your landscaping company ranked #1 on Google in your local market.

Not always, but in our case - it 100% does. We consider ranking your landscape business Google Business Profile as the #1 organic spot. A well-reviewed, top-ranking map pack listing can generate over $100,000 per month in a new Lawn & landscape business in a modest-sized community. Don’t ignore this critical channel!

On-page SEO refers to the adjustment of keywords on YOUR website or page. Google carefully reviews these keywords and adjusts your rank according to the frequency and placement of the keywords.  Off-page SEO relates to what OTHER websites say about yours. This is primarily determined by links to your site from other websites.  So, in short, if you have a friend with a landscaping website and they add a link to yours, it will improve your rankings on Google, Bing..etc.  All things being equal - websites with 100 links from other sites will outrank a site with 50 links.

Yes, it is a factor.  But in our experience, people wildy overestimate it’s impact. For best practices, make sure your lawncare website has average load times at worst and the rest comes down to Onpage and offpage factors.

Citations are mentions of your business's name address and phone number on directory sites like YELP. Google documents the number of mentions of your NAP and the consistency and uses this information as a ranking factor. 


SEO is a proven method for Landscaping Lead Generation but should be paired with a comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy. 


Landscaping SEO Services: The Ultimate Guide

Today's online marketplace is more competitive than ever, especially in the Landscaping Industry. With the rising demand for landscaping services, businesses need to ensure they stand out from the crowd. One way to achieve this is through effective Landscaping SEO Services. This guide will explore the importance of SEO for Landscapers and how a dedicated Landscaping SEO Company can help you dominate the online landscape.

Why is SEO essential for Landscaping Companies?

When potential customers are in need of landscaping services, they typically turn to search engines to find local providers. Whether they're searching for lawn care services, a landscape contractor, or other landscaping companies in their area, appearing at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) can make all the difference.

Local SEO plays a critical role here. With effective Local SEO, landscaping companies can boost their local rankings, ensuring they are visible to potential customers in their vicinity. It's not just about driving organic traffic but ensuring that this traffic comprises more qualified leads. After all, a visitor searching for "Lawn Care Service near me" is likely a potential customer looking to hire.

Components of a Successful Landscaping SEO Campaign

  1. Keyword Research Tool: Utilizing a reliable keyword research tool can help identify long tail keywords and other relevant terms that potential customers are using. For instance, terms like "Landscape Companies near me" or "Lawn Care Services in [City]" can be gold mines.

  2. Technical SEO: This involves optimizing your website's backend, ensuring it's mobile-friendly, and that page load times are optimal. Google Analytics can be a handy tool in this aspect, giving insights into user behavior and areas for improvement.

  3. Content: Regularly updating your website with blog posts relevant to the landscaping industry can drive organic traffic and position your business as a thought leader.

  4. Organic Search Results and Pay Per Click Advertising: While an effective SEO strategy can drive free traffic through organic search results, supplementing this with targeted pay per click advertising on platforms like Google Adwords can increase visibility.

  5. Digital Marketing Services: Beyond SEO, businesses should consider a comprehensive online marketing campaign, leveraging social media, email marketing, and other channels.

  6. Monitoring: Using tools like Google Analytics, businesses can track their organic traffic, understand where their visitors are coming from, and what search terms led them to the site.

Beware of the Competition

While you're optimizing your services, remember that other landscaping companies are doing the same. To stay ahead, it's crucial to consistently update your strategies, keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing, and finding ways to differentiate your services.

The Customer Perspective

Consider Stanley Green's experience: "Using John for our lawn care was one of the best decisions my family has ever made. His expertise in Lawn Mowing, Lawn Treatments, and Landscape Maintenance was evident." This is a testament to the importance of not only offering top-notch services but also ensuring potential customers can find you online.


In the digital age, SEO for Landscapers is not just a luxury but a necessity. Whether you're a large Landscaping Company or a local Lawn Care Service provider, optimizing your online presence can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving. With the right strategies, coupled with dedication and the expertise of a Landscaping SEO Company, your business can achieve local dominance, drive more organic traffic, and convert website visitors into paying clients.

If you're ready to explore what effective Landscaping SEO Services can do for your business, don't hesitate. Dive into the world of search engine optimization and see the transformative results for yourself. Remember, in the world of online marketing, being proactive is the key. So, gear up, optimize, and let the world know about your exceptional landscaping services!

Landscaping Services

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engines

What our Customers Are Saying

Tyler and his team did a fantastic job collaborating and developing a site that was above and beyond my expectations! Attention to detail with both the appearance and functionality was impressive! Highly Recommend!

Zach Krause

Tyler and his team are masters at their craft. If you’re looking to build a website or deploy other marketing services that keep your business busy, look no further.

Trent Linville

Tyler and team are truly a gem. He’s probably one of the sharpest google market experts and landing page optimizers I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. Aside from that, Tyler cares a LOT about getting results. I’ve recommended him and his team to others with full confidence they are gonna be taken care of.

Nick Res

SEO Services That Win.

Where Experience Meets Service

Uniquely positioned with the right balance of experienced digital marketing and customer service specialists to give you the support your Lawn/landscape company needs to get to the next level.

Tyler and his team did a fantastic job collaborating and developing a site that was above and beyond my expectations! Attention to detail with both the appearance and functionality was impressive! Highly Recommend!

Zach Krause

Tyler and his team are masters at their craft. If you’re looking to build a website or deploy other marketing services that keep your business busy, look no further.

Trent Linville

Tyler and team are truly a gem. He’s probably one of the sharpest google market experts and landing page optimizers I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. Aside from that, Tyler cares a LOT about getting results. I’ve recommended him and his team to others with full confidence they are gonna be taken care of.

Nick Res

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